[[!meta link=people]] [[!meta title="William G. Moïse"]] [[!table class="person" header="column" data=""" School:| Columbia College Major:|Political Science & Philosophy Year:|2019 Moniker:|Mr. Moïse Position Held:|Conscience of the Society; '18-'19 [[Board|board]] Role:|none [[Blog|people/Planet]]:|N/A [[Twitter|twitterplanet]]:|N/A Information:| Mr. Moïse was named by the Society as its Conscience, following his return to the Society |at the conclusion of his suspension from the University. This naming followed incidents of |sexist/racist/prejudicial remarks by "dishonored guests" of the Society, to which Mr. Moïse |notably intervened and corrected, to preserve the decorum of the Society. | |Such attestation to the above can be made by Members of the Society, including Justice Johnson, |Ms. Clement, Mr. Street, and others. | |Further attestation might be made by one Thomas Vinciguerra, the Society's Avatar. |Such update to the record of the Society was performed in good faith, upon request to its standing Board. """]]