[[!template id="person" name="Edward Rueda" school="CC" major="Visual Arts & Latino Studies" graduation_year="2005" moniker="Mr. Rrrrrrrrueda" twitter_url="http://twitter.com/worstpoem/" twitter_feedurl="http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/91366610.rss" ]] * [[Geezer]] ### Former positions * Spring '03: [[Whip]] * Fall '03: Co-[[herald]] * '09-'10: [[Past_kilmer_winners]] Laureate Perennial Kilmer bridesmaid, until 2009, when with the power of [[!wikipedia Philip Glass]] and Mr. Patterson in tow, he became a bride. _Evoi_! [Update as of Kilmer 2010: and now a groom as well!!]